Chara's Story Blog

Before there was a book, there was a blog!

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We’re posting the blogs that started back in 2013. But continue to read up! We’re posting Chara’s Journey as the book AND the new 501c3 “Chara’s Story Inc” takes off!


Hi Beautiful!!! 2.jpg

The Shift!

Recently, 48 out of the 50 US states participated in something that happens twice a year. Whether we like it or not, most of North America shifts when this occurs. It’s called Daylight Savings Time. When it's that time of the year, our lives must adjust accordingly. For some it’s easy, for others, it can be difficult. But regardless, it's necessary to shift.

Likewise, Chara’s Story Inc – we have an announcement. We too are shifting. It’s time to let the world in on our big idea. This has always been the vision of our founder, Chara. As a matter of fact, it’s the reason why DreamChara Production was established.  We were taking our time, and yeah, a little timid trying to find our place. But the unfortunate rise of youth and young adult suicide has caused us to shift in ways like never before. It’s causing us to start now. Here’s the news: We’re going into the tech industry! Yep. We’re building that safe space whereby at the click of a button, girls will be able to discover how to like, love, and accept themselves – true beauty. Call us the of inner beauty. A space where T.V. shows, movies, podcasts, interviews, books, curriculums, and more will rest and abide on our site. Everything will be built out of our framework that works. It’s the beginning of us building the ultimate dream - an inner beauty entity.

As mentioned, we’re building our platform from the original framework that is introduced in our original work, Chara’s Story – the Memoir. We’ve said it over and over – it’s more than a memoir. (Ha! But did you know it was a tech company?) As we consider approaching Venture Capitalists, we’re bootstrapping and using the resources that we have now until they join us. We’re putting all we got into this vision to get it off the ground.

Here is how you can help! There are only two steps!


When our supporters start Chara's Story book clubs from all over the world (or buy Chara's Story books to help start book clubs), not only will the proceeds go to building the digital media platform, but the transformation that will take place from the participants within the book club will give us the data and success/proof we need to build the digital platform. The success in each club proves to the world that the framework of the inner beauty brand works. What do you mean? We mean that the same steps that are transforming the girls (from the book clubs) are the exact same steps we’re using to produce shows, movies, events, and more! If this is your first time here, our framework tagline is “Discover You, Discover Beauty.” Thus, our framework teaches you how to discover you – true beauty.   


We’re providing you with the video question toolkit that will allow you to see and seize the transformation aspect of each book club. Success will happen right before your eyes. We guarantee it. Send us the footage! Sending in this data will eventually make it to our platform in a write-up or video. The choice will be up to you. We love blogs just as much as we love videos. Please don’t think that you must share your footage with the world. No, just share it with us and reveal to us your option to share. This data will help us build from an evidence-based approach.

Please feel free to donate today if you can't start an actual book club. We have several partners that have helped us purchase books to start a book club within schools. More good news about that soon. If interested in giving – here’s the link:

What’s coming!

Chara’s Story Inc will soon host monthly task force meetings for all to join in on our mission. It’s only for those who have started a Chara’s Story Book Club. Join us from all over the world to discuss the state of the girl and help us build this digital media platform. You will also have access to the footage that others are sending in as we prepare it for our digital site. So, if you're starting a Chara's Story Book Club, we would love for you to let us know. Email

 We can't thank you enough for your support and simply for reading this blog. You matter to us. 

Team #CSI