Chara's Story Blog

Before there was a book, there was a blog!

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We’re posting the blogs that started back in 2013. But continue to read up! We’re posting Chara’s Journey as the book AND the new 501c3 “Chara’s Story Inc” takes off!


Hi Beautiful!!! 2.jpg


Have you ever watched the show BOTCHED? It’s the TV show series that showcases people who’ve had some form of cosmetic surgery that went wrong…aka…botched. The show centers around two renowned California plastic surgeons interviewing botched individuals who all have hopes that the two doctors can use their skillsets to surgically “fix” them. The two doctors are always shocked at the lengths the people before them have gone through to be physically perfect and they are plastic surgeons! Lol. I remember one episode whereby a female allowed a non-licensed doctor to give her the supposedly perfect body and they poured cement into her body. She was lucky to be alive. By the end of the show, the doctors use their professional skillsets to either restore what they once had, or if possible, give them their original request before their botched surgery.

If you have ever watched this show, I guarantee you have said, “OMG!” or something to that effect aloud. The show is eye-opening, and it clearly shows you the lack of self-love that many faces daily.  Watching the show can be honestly disturbing. Females who had botched surgeries would return to the same doctor over and over with hopes to be fixed. Their desperation to look a certain way escaped their own judgment.

Body image dissatisfaction is now a mental health issue. When a person doesn’t accept, love or value their body, they are much more likely to do damage or harm to their body. They place themselves in harm's way no matter the cost.  Watch any botched episode and you will say to yourself, “what in the world is happening?” You will shake your head hearing the stories, mumble at how sad their choices were or say aloud to someone “can you believe someone would allow this to be done to their body?” But hear me clearly, when you see people doing drastic things to their bodies, it all started with an image of what they thought would be better. It all started with one thought that what they have isn’t good enough. They took their money to be fixed based on a comparison of someone else. “If I look like that, I will look better,” they say to themselves. 

When make-up becomes a thing to change the nose. Chileee….

Please don’t miss the point. They sought to be changed in comparison to someone else.  They will deny it. They will say “On no, I didn’t want to be like anyone else. I just wanted to enhance or to look like the vision that I wanted.” No, the truth is, they changed their body because of an image that was presented to them in some way (media, magazines, social media, etc). AND…that image was validated as beautiful.

Recently a well-known celebrity’s teen daughter wanted a new nose job for her birthday. The world was split with opinions. Some said it’s her right. She’s now 18 and she can do whatever she wants with her body. Others shouted, “don’t do it! You’re beautiful!” The teen went and got a new nose that changed her look forever. What happened here? Where is the problem? The same situation, it goes back to one of the roots of the issue. Comparison. For the teen to dislike her nose, it is saying that she saw another image of a nose that she deemed is better. My cry is – the person having that nose that the celebrity teen daughter wanted was possibly looking back at her thinking that hers is better. Do you see that? (re-read that sentence until you get it). The very person that you’re looking at in admiration... wanting to be like physically... is looking back at you admiring what you have. Oh only if we could see ourselves!

That’s our initiative – helping teens girls to learn to see themselves. See your own beauty. Discover who you are, because once you see yourself, you will never want to be like another. You will learn to fall madly in love with more of who you are.

But how can this happen when they are looking up to a generation whereby “fixing oneself” is self-love. It is not. Being you is self-love. But in order to be you, you must discover you.

It is February 14, 2022. Chara’s story Inc is on a mission to get our message out to the world – yes…even though we are off social media. We’ve built a plan of action and it starts this week. We are revealing the details next month. You must stay tuned. I’m telling you, we’re in the middle of a grand phenomenon. Our world needs this. We will take this Valentine’s day and love on our teen girls by doing the work to get this message, framework, and the Chara’s Story book into their hands.

Love on you today by loving you as is.

Chara’s Story.
