Today is January 1, 2022 and I have news. Pretty profound things happened in 2021 that have changed the trajectory of my life. I’m waking up in a beautiful hotel overlooking the City of Atlanta. I can’t help but reflect on my 2021 that…as you may agree…flew by. Although I now live in Dallas, Texas, I took a quick trip to the ATL to take care of some business for Chara Story Inc. (CSI) and to see friends. Many things happened in 2021 that you may not be aware of. I’m telling you one circumstance now to take you on this year’s journey with me. It’s about to be epic.
Remember the steps of Chara’s story…the framework for true beauty? Well, it is with those same steps that I’m still enhancing my life. Don’t let the news shock you. If you haven’t read Chara’s Story, my memoir, it may be a spoiler alert. If you’ve read the book, you may feel sad with my news. But trust me, it’s ok. I’m better than ok and I’m ready to talk about it.
In July of 2021, my divorce became official. We’re still cordial…(I saw him yesterday during my trip). I remember jumping into therapy when I knew that it was happening. I understood the importance of knowing my emotional self. Thus, therapy was a must. My memoir ended with the day we got married. It was a beautiful time. I want to acknowledge that, and I thank him for the years he devoted to me.
So, what happened? Here is my truth.
A couple of years later into our relationship I remember when he said to me “Chara, you are a completely different person.” He was right. I got married right at a time when I was progressing out of my insecurities. You know the story, he met me at a time when I didn’t know another could love me. I knew that I could love myself, but allowing someone else in was a beautiful, but a serious task for me. While in my marriage, I kept utilizing the steps to the framework of Chara’s Story. I kept growing. I kept moving ahead and progressed inwardly and outwardly. He was right. Twelve years later from the time I got married, insecurities were far from me and the newly me had evolved. The attention that I didn’t think I deserved, I now needed…not simply wanted…needed. The affection that I once said wasn’t necessary was now vital to my mental health. I had discovered the girl who knew exactly who she was and she was far from the person he married. Compromising in a marriage shouldn’t feel like you are a contortionist. It’s a sign that something is wrong. (There is more to the story, but I want to keep those things between us.)
This is a new season for me and, yes…I’m scared. But I am happy, hopeful, healthy, and healed. There’s a revelation that I need people to know. It’s almost a warning for you if you’re going to follow the framework of Chara’s Story. Are you ready for this news? Because it’s the new year and many people will start a new path with our steps… you should know this.