Chara's Story Blog

Before there was a book, there was a blog!

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We’re posting the blogs that started back in 2013. But continue to read up! We’re posting Chara’s Journey as the book AND the new 501c3 “Chara’s Story Inc” takes off!


Hi Beautiful!!! 2.jpg

My Work Is In The Texas School System! Yayy!

There is something big that I am personally very proud of. I have been very busy. I was given the unique opportunity to write a high school and middle school curriculum…from scratch. What an opportunity! Here is the most amazing part. The curriculums are being implemented this year in the Lewisville Independent School District in the State of Texas.


In a nutshell, the high school curriculum….

1)    Equips Teens to Discover Themselves

2)    Embrace Teens to Accept Themselves

3)    Empowers Teens to Become Who They Are


It is now owned by the Journey to Dream Foundation, an organization that operates in supporting youth with a two-fold design. The company has a physical transitional housing program for homeless youth and a curriculum-based school program designed to empower, embrace, and equip students to persevere effectively through everyday challenges.


I had the distinct honor to build a curriculum that is therapeutically supportive, and academically focused. You guys know me as a writer. The curriculum is designed to take teens on a journey to live their greatest dream(s). Literally! It’s what makes the curriculum different. It causes teens to scrapbook their journey to their dreams as they also learn the keys to discover themselves. And that’s not all. The students are challenged to create a digital media component from each module to teach the world. And lastly, they are challenged to create a life-changing service project while at the school. 


Throughout the journey, I had the distinct honor to meet amazing volunteers…VIPS for sure. I hope that I can stay in contact with them all. They all restored my hope in humanity. The saying… “if you build it, they will come” is so true.


I want to thank everyone who helped to change generations to come. That’s what the finishing of this curriculum has done and will continue to do…change generations. I’m forever grateful. I’m beyond blown away still at the volunteers who poured their hearts and love into this project to help me. A special s/o to a young volunteer by the name of Audrey. She invited her friends to help me finish up this project. I felt like they were all my friends too. (If you know me, you know that I can hang around a group of teenagers and feel like I’m on top of the world.) #Tribe

My prayer is that they are blessed 100-fold for what they helped build for others.

My life has completely changed as I continue to walk in my purpose. The foundation that I wrote the curriculum for is called “Journey to Dream.” Not only did they allow me to inspire teens to journey to their dreams, but I’m also journeying to my greatest dream as well.

Stay tuned.

