Chara's Story Blog

Before there was a book, there was a blog!

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We’re posting the blogs that started back in 2013. But continue to read up! We’re posting Chara’s Journey as the book AND the new 501c3 “Chara’s Story Inc” takes off!


Hi Beautiful!!! 2.jpg

Why We Left Social Media



Brandy Norwood, one of my favorite singers said, “Never say Never.” But hunny! Let me update you. We’re building our own digital media platform. Yes! It’s a big dream, a big initiative. But as Mike Todd coined… “It’s only crazy until it happens. We’re working diligently to make it happen. But we’re not rushing the process.

“Chara, how will the world recognize you?”

We believe that greatness recognizes greatness. We’re making partnerships in the background that’s bigger than us. You know their names. You know their brands…and thus…because of the partnership, you will know who we are.


I made the decision to leave social media from TWO revelations that God gave me.   


1.     Imagine a group of young kids in one room. They have candy galore given to them. They’re eating the candy. They love it although it’s not good for them. However, they keep eating it because it’s soooo good. You suddenly come and introduce fruit to them, not removing the candy. Which will they choose? Even if they tasted the fruit, which will they go back to?

 Now imagine the opposite happening. They’ve never, ever tasted candy, only fruit. There’s no candy around…just various fruit for them to choose from. Not only is it tasty, but it’s good for them. What a great position to be in right? What an amazing environment to create, right?

That’s exactly what we’re building. We’re building a digital media platform that creatively positions us to teach, entertain and produce nothing but the concept of “true” beauty…inner beauty.  In this particular environment, a person can discover just Who They Are because...(cue our tag-line) ...when you Discover You, You Discover Beauty. 

 “Mav Carter…call me, Sir. I’m just trying to build like you (wink). I wanna tell you my idea in detail.”

2.     Simple…how can you see something different if you’re always looking at what others are looking at? Step out to step into something different. It will make sense later, but it’s a sacrifice for now and I’m here for it.

Soon you will get a chance to see CHARA’S WORLD. I will introduce to you the “live” version of the framework of what inner beauty looks like. My life has to show it first, right? Well, stay tuned. You get the inside scoop next month.

Thanks for reading this. If you did, you’re a real trooper. It’s late and I’m up writing.

See you soon