Chara's Story Blog

Before there was a book, there was a blog!

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We’re posting the blogs that started back in 2013. But continue to read up! We’re posting Chara’s Journey as the book AND the new 501c3 “Chara’s Story Inc” takes off!


Hi Beautiful!!! 2.jpg



Before my book officially even came out, because of the title, I was asked to speak. I was honored and ready. The hardship to finally get to a place to accept me and love me in the ugliest season of my life is still unbelievable. But, here I am…standing strong, proud, healed and honored to help others. I can go on and on about my mission and motive. But I’ll save that blog for another day. This blog is about the surprising things that happened on that day. They are unmatched.



Number One:

So, I live in Atlanta, GA with my husband, and I don’t have family that lives here in the A. But on that day, my entire family flew in or drove in to see me. My mom, dad, twin sister, older sister and my baby sister. My parents live in Mississippi and my sisters all live in Dallas. TX. I was soooo happy to see them. My aunt Trice, who officially still lives in Savannah, GA, but just took a job in Atlanta came to record the entire thing. I was honored to see her as well. I couldn’t believe it! They all just jumped in to help me. My sisters took over my book signing table. They even ordered shirts with my website on it. How cool is that? (They left my shirt in the hotel, but I put it on later that day). My Aunt set up her camera in front of the church to make sure she captured everything. It was amazing to look out in the audience to see my family. My true squad. #SquadGoals. I’m blessed.

A Quick Pic of the fam. (Below) This is right after I spoke. The First Lady was about to dismiss the crowd for lunch and we were ready. :)

sisters from left to right (baby sister, Amber; older sister, Zee; twin sister, Tara; me)

sisters from left to right (baby sister, Amber; older sister, Zee; twin sister, Tara; me)

Number Two:

Ok, this really brought tears to my eyes. My mentees surprised me. Alisha, Alicia , and Opal (adopted mentee). Yes! They surprised me. I had no idea that they were coming and honestly, I hadn’t talked with them in like 4 months by that date.  However, Alisha flew in from New Orleans, Opal flew in from MS, and Alicia drove in from Mississippi. It was a moment for me. I’m still in shock. I will always be grateful to them. I met Alicia and Alisha as teens when they were living in Canton, Mississippi. If you’ve read my book, Chara’s Story, remember when I got that call to start my curriculum with Patricks at that alternative school? Well, I got involved with other teen programs in the city and met Alicia and Alisha; they never left my side. (Alisha introduced me to Opal years later). They stayed in touch with me over the years and as they became adults, our relationships developed into friendships. We don’t’ talk every day, but they understand the importance of relationships. I understand it too. Which is why we never will let each other go. When it’s time for me to travel internationally, they will be with me. Their surprise to me meant everything!!!!

They didn’t even know each other were coming! (insert tearful emoji). See my mentees! Day One and Day Two. They even bought more books to support and give away.

Number Three!

THE TESTIMONIES! Two young BEAUTIFUL ladies approached me and said that after my presentation, they have decided to cancel their cosmetic surgeries (a surgery to change the way they physically look to fit in with the trend). This really should have been my number one, but I would have never been able to talk with so many women afterward if my sisters and mentees didn’t come and help me mend tables and take care of my physical and emotional needs.  In my speech, I spoke about how nearly 18-million individuals in 2018 had some type of surgical or minimally invasive cosmetics surgery according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery. My mission was to help them (the women present)  to see their beauty beyond the physical. I was on the same path as the 18 million years ago, so I know what it looks like and I know what I’m talking about when it comes to trying to measure up to this world’s standards of beauty. It’s heartbreaking and unfulfilling. We think it will bring healing, but it simply confirms your insecurity. True joy and freedom come when you discover True Beauty, which is discovering you! So, I told a little bit of my story and taught the ladies just how to discover themselves.  

Another lady came to me and unfortunately said to me that her son committed suicide 18 month ago. In my speech, I focused on how the next generation isn’t going after surgeries, they're killing themselves because they can’t measure up. She confirmed this truth and she just wanted me to know. My heart broke. I wanted to talk with her for hours to make sure that she was ok. I wanted to hold her tight, but instead, I promised her that I would continue on my path to help with the mission to prevent teen suicide. I truly believe that having a negative body image is a unique factor in teen suicide. It’s real. Which is why I can’t stop now no matter how hard it gets.

 I wanted to sit and talk with each person for hours as I signed their books…but of course, I couldn’t. Each person that bought a book had a story. Every person I passed by had a story. I couldn’t move within that building after I spoke without hearing testimonies. Yall, that felt good. Oh, what peace I have just to know that what I persevered through has helped others and will continue to help so many others.

My life is changing. My dreams are coming true. Thank you to all who have supported me thus far. My hope is to change the world, one young girl, at a time…my generation and older too. Our young ladies are looking up to us. Let’s get the message and live it out loud. What message: Discover You, Discover TRUE Beauty!

 See the pictures of the book signing.

This lady is SO sweet. She sits up front with me at church on Sundays. I don’t know her name, but we hug every Sunday. She wasn’t coming to the conference but I said, “oh, you just gotta hear me speak.” I’m so glad she came.

This lady is SO sweet. She sits up front with me at church on Sundays. I don’t know her name, but we hug every Sunday. She wasn’t coming to the conference but I said, “oh, you just gotta hear me speak.” I’m so glad she came.

Isn’t she lovely?

Isn’t she lovely?

She walked up to me and started prophesying. She said…”Oh, I see school systems buying books by the numbers.” Yo! I hollered! And of course, received it.

#twinning! These ladies blessed my soul with their gifts and words of encouragement.

#twinning! These ladies blessed my soul with their gifts and words of encouragement.

I told her that she just looked important. Then I looked down and saw her name tag. She’s a pretty important person. She was super kind.

I told her that she just looked important. Then I looked down and saw her name tag. She’s a pretty important person. She was super kind.

I’ve added more pictures to the GALLERY PAGE. Go to the Home page, click on gallery and see more!


Thank you all again for your BEAUTIFUL support!