Chara's Story Blog

Before there was a book, there was a blog!

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We’re posting the blogs that started back in 2013. But continue to read up! We’re posting Chara’s Journey as the book AND the new 501c3 “Chara’s Story Inc” takes off!


Hi Beautiful!!! 2.jpg

New Beginnings


In the picture above, I’m standing with the President and CEO of Amerigroup (GA and South Carolina, an Anthem Company). We had just finished an on-camera interview. The photographer asked us to stand for a picture. As we were standing, the CEO whispered to me that the interview was a true success and that I should think about starting something of my own…with my own name. He had no idea that I was toiling with a decision to quit my job and start my very own agency. Should I go after my dreams or stay here until everything is perfectly aligned? Quitting my job would be a huge leap of faith. Contractual promises of financial support were guaranteed to me when the company proves its success. However, the startup cost to make it successful…what was I to do? Do I jump or do I wait?

Starting the Pilot Program for ATL

Starting the Pilot Program for ATL

At that time, I was the Assistant Director for Frontline Housing, a close-knit affiliated company with the United Way of Greater Atlanta. The Vice President of the United Way Homelessness Division called me in a meeting months before and challenged me to “think big and ask big” in regards to a pilot program that would be for all of Atlanta.  My director depended on me to make the company shine and to deliver for the project. So that’s what I set out to do. I needed to make a big move. So, I reached out to the CEO of Amerigroup, Mr. Melvin Lindsey.

My goal was to reach out to someone who was and is at the top of their game to interview them and inspire our newly stabled families who had just come from experiencing homelessness. The phone call to ask him for “his story” had me sweating bullets. I thought…this guy has got to have a story to be who he is and to now be where he is.  When he answered the phone, in less than 5 minutes, I had to pitch like crazy. I needed an interview and a commitment of mentorship from him for one of the families during the most trying times within or country - COVID-19 had taken over the world.

Now if you know me, you know that when I’m passionate about something, I’m so animated, so expressive…I just can’t help it. And for most of my life, I have only worked at jobs that I was passionate about. The conversation was easy. Not only did the President & CEO promise to give the interview and confirmed that “yes, he has a story and would love to mentor one of our single fathers,” but he also committed his company to give a donation towards the pilot program. You guys, a big donation! After the phone call, I sat in silence and said to myself, “what the heck just happened?” I was so freaking excited. I called my director about 40 times until she picked up the phone. We both screamed.  

On the day of the interview, I was nervous, and it was getting out of control. When I’m nervous, I can’t perform well. I begin pep-talking myself to calm down. “Calm down Chara, you got this.” I had to pretend that this was a DreamChara Production and it was “go time.” That was the only way I was able to calm down. The interview was quite a success. Mr. Lindsey, the President, opened up about his personal life, his experiences, his challenges, and how he overcame them all. He was soooo good and I ate up every word that he said as if he was simply just talking to me. His words of wisdom truly made me think back on the question that I was pondering that morning…should I jump and start my own company? Could I start my own 501c3 and make money moves?

When the photographer told us to stand, that’s when the CEO of Amerigroup, who had no idea of my pondering question,  no idea of my book, my mission…nothing…whispered to me at that moment. It was as if God himself confirmed the question I needed answers to. He said, “You can do this for you. You should think about starting something of your own. You’re good.” I smiled and confirmed aloud, “I think I am.”

That evening, I talked with my director and gave her my notice. It was like she already knew. She encouraged me to change the world. A weight lifted off my shoulder.

From left to rightMe (Assistant Director of Frontline), Mr. Protip (VP of UW Homeless Division), Mr. Melvin Linsey (CEO & President of Amerigroup), & Mary Grace (Director of Frontline Housing).

From left to right

Me (Assistant Director of Frontline), Mr. Protip (VP of UW Homeless Division), Mr. Melvin Linsey (CEO & President of Amerigroup), & Mary Grace (Director of Frontline Housing).


Today, Chara Story Incorporated (CSI) is a newly established 501c3 Inner Beauty Entity that exists to reduce and prevent the mental health disturbances that stem from the traditional beauty entity amongst young girls, teens, and women. Through our curriculum programs and digital media innovations, we will create a new world whereby “true” beauty is the cultural norm and body image issues will no longer be an issue.


Our Top 3 Goals:

1)    Reduce youth suicides and youth suicidal ideations related to body image issues

2)    Reduce non-essential cosmetic surgeries and procedures amongst young adults and women  

3)    Reduce the desire of skin bleaching, globally.


Our How?

IT’S EPIC!!!  Sign up on our BLOG PAGE to follow us on this journey. You can get a personal sneak peek monthly to see what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. Starting January 1, 2021, we go off of social media to create our digital safe space. ALL PHOTOS AND VIDEOS WILL BE UPLOADED HERE ON OUR SITE. You may ask, well how will the world know about you? Well, you will have to sign up to see! It’s amazing.

To our investors, THANK YOU!

To future investors…Thank you! You can give here: or Zelle

 To investors who want to see our pitch deck and get a piece of the Inner Beauty pie, email