Chara's Story Blog

Before there was a book, there was a blog!

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We’re posting the blogs that started back in 2013. But continue to read up! We’re posting Chara’s Journey as the book AND the new 501c3 “Chara’s Story Inc” takes off!


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I was out with my NEW teen mentees the other day and the conversation was about sex. I guess it was ‘tell-all to Ms. Chara day. ‘ They spilled the beans on how they threw a party at a hotel…just because. The party became a sex party which was their intention from the beginning if u ask me. My first question to the ring leader of the group (the outspoken one…aka the party planner) was, “Did your mom know that you were throwing this party?” Her answer, “yes.” She continued to explain that her mom knew and didn't care and actually dropped her off at the party.

The conversation became more and more disturbing. I’m one to ask questions and maybe I should not have. My questions opened a can of worms. They admitted to meeting (cute) strangers and having sex with them at the hotel. The ring leader stated that too many people were in the room, so she had sex in the downstairs hotel bathroom.

Frustrated by so many things that were stated, I still had to keep my cool. I couldn't act shock or dumbfounded or they would have shut down. So I asked, “How do you have sex in a hotel bathroom? Help me with this one?” Her answer may disturb you as it did me.

At 17 years of age, she replied, “Simple Ms. Chara. Just bend over.” Yea, this kinda caught me off guard. Ok…breath to Chara…you’ve heard worse.

This is the state of many in this next generation. I’m so excited about mentoring these girls because they truly need guidance. I’m not the kind that preach Jesus down their throats although they 4 real need him. My first approach is to first make sure that they are safe, so I preach protection down their throats. Always use a condom or some form of protection. Yes, I am an advocate for abstinence, but with this group….hmmm…yea. I educate them about sexually transmitted diseases more than anything because of my field of work. They have admitted recently that they started back using protection every time. This for them is progress. They know now (because I went ham on them) to use protection every time. It was if I scared them straight.

My second approach, which I just started yesterday, was and is to get them to see their worth, their value and to help them see that they have a purpose in life. Ironically, they all profess to be Christians who loves….and they really do. I’m not knocking that at all. Actually, it makes my job a lot easier. I came to the conclusion that they aren't aware of the image that they were created in. They don’t know the power and greatness that now lives on the inside of them. Like most Christians, they really can’t see that their Heavenly Father, who is the King of Kings, ordained them to live like princes and princesses upon the earth. They aren't aware that they truly are royalty; individuals who God has ordained to show forth His Glory in the earth. If they really could see it and get it, their life decisions would reflect that.

In closing, because I understood this, I asked the ring leader yesterday a thought-provoking question, “If you were adopted as Barack Obama’s daughter and you stayed in the white house, would you be promiscuous?

Her response, “No, because I would have a certain image to uphold.”

I said to her, exactly! In the same way, you represent a greater King. Genesis 1:27

I, Chara, rest my case.

Genesis 1:27….Please look up if you don't know it. When we get this...our understanding of who we are will change, and our actions will follow. Our inner beauty will flow. I’m grateful to know this revelation….#Ivow2liveinit #myteenswillunderstandthisonedaysoon
